Operational Improvement

Operational WhirlwindWeber Group can help you convert strategy into action and drive toward operational improvement. The 2017 Boardsource Leading With Intent data shows that many chief executives of social-sector organizations (SSO) are in a CEO role for the first time and that there is continual churn in SSO leadership and staff. This dynamic creates the opportunity for people and process variation. Too much variation creates challenges in delivering your mission objectives and meeting the needs of your internal and external process partners and customers. Change and variation create a “whirlwind” effect within your organization that forces you to react to events rather than finding the time and space to develop lasting improvement.

People + Process = System

6 SigmaYour organization can be thought of as a series of processes managed by people to deliver your programs and services. Weber Group uses 6 Sigma disciplines, methodologies and tools to help SSO chief executives tackle complex operational challenges. It is a business-tested approach to change management, systems thinking and silo-busting that can transform the productivity of your team. It uses facts and data to uncover the root causes that create problems in delivering your programs or operational results. It provides a roadmap to bring people and process together.

A 6 Sigma approach can be made simple by creating a concise Project Plan and using only specific tools you need to search for quick wins, as well as lasting improvement. There are four concepts embedded in the 6 Sigma methodology that provide the foundation for organizing and implementing actions. They are:

  • Use of facts and data in an organized process to frame complex questions
  • Visual representations that encourage dialogue and debate
  • Teambuilding and connecting that empowers creative problem-solving
  • Dashboards and controls that facilitate communication and drive results

Define Chart

The Weber Group Can Help You Improve Your Operations

Continuous improvement is at the heart of capacity building and long-term sustainability for your organization. The Weber Group can custom design a 6 Sigma approach for your team in a timeframe that meets your needs. We make it simple. We will help you create a Project Charter that targets specific needs and outcomes and show you how to search for quick wins. We can help you bring people and process together in a thoughtful and meaningful way to build a process and outcome that is right for you.